Here is some solid advice from a professional marketing adviser that will help you avoid self-sabotage via social media. Look at the list below and compare it to your own efforts.

Secure Your Brand Name

Before you even announce your brand name, you should already have it secured on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets. This is important because you want your page to be easily found, but also so your URL doesn’t default to something clumsy and backwards. “” is much better than “”.

Complete Your Profiles

Don’t be lazy by neglecting to complete your profiles. When you don’t complete your profiles, you’re risking not having the information that someone needs listed. Social media profiles allow you to provide tons of valuable information to the public about your company. You can’t rely on traffic coming from web searches alone – make sure your Internet Presence is consistent.


Treat your followers like friends. Would you leave your best friend hanging for a week while they wait for a reply to your post? Probably not, so don’t let your fans hang either. Your social media page is not there to push your own agenda. It’s about more than just promos and special offers. It’s for building your brand and building a relationship with those that come to your doors.

Choose Your Words Wisely

Before you hit that “upload” or “post” button, give yourself fifteen seconds to reconsider what you’re saying. Even though you have plenty of time to get your thoughts organized, sometimes you need that extra few seconds to really consider what you’re posting. Make sure it doesn’t offend anyone or harm the image you are cultivating for your company.